Thursday, May 29, 2014

U-kiss 10 members? A Look Back at U-Kiss Through the Years

Look at My innocent boys, with rainbow colors. I was like aww my babies and Eli was like" stop treating us like kids, cuz we're not anymore" ( quote from the song , Not young)
  aigoo they grow up too fast. This is before kisoap was a member

Kisaop is now there, It was love at first sight for me , and then kisoap was like  nega gu roke-roke manman hanii? (Am i that easy) saranghi 
guroke non man man hanii ( is love that easy for you?) 

Last album with Kibum and Xander... I Cried like a baby. and Xander was like " Hey yo, check the way that you speak and soud. being like a freak invading my soul...and kibum was like  " I'm breaking i'm broken. Oppa is fed up with you. you're  too much, get out of my sight. (quotes from the song "Shut up")

First album with Honn and AJ.. I was so mad. I stoped listning to u-kiss for a while. and Aj was all like "Dont denie our  R square pie" and Hoon was like " I still cant erase you,I keep thinking about you. I really miss you". (quotes from 0330)..Yeah so i came crawling back, i missed my babies too much.

Last album with dongho.  Dongho said "I'm in this endles maze. I have lost my way out. I wait for it too end" (quote from, standing still)   Even thouh it was really really sad, i had to let him go.

First album without My baby Dongho
My favorit song is just a moment "Hey just a moment, stop right there. if you go like that, what will i become? Hey just a momnet, stop right there there, if you go like that, I really will never see you again."


Album with out AJ, because his is studying.  Study hard AJ. Oh yeah it's also the first album the new member Jun.  Look at him. I mean just look at him. i will never forget my baby  dongho, even thoug is older than me. He is still my baby boy.  Jud darling you have some big shose to fill, who am I kidding,  I already love youu. I'm soo out of topic now.

It was hard findig a  picture of the new member. For me all of those who once was a u-kiss member, is forever in U-kiss familiy. I love these boys too much, so i had to make a header with all og them 

- Proud kissme <3

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